Probably the thing that made me think that there might be something beyond craziness involved was his funny OR DIE #winning cooking sketch. It was actually funny. So I figure he either is a really good actor or that there is some thought process involved, either way it is a good sign.
This past week my blog included three articles that we about Charlie. They generated 300 visitors for the blog. That might not seem like a lot to most people but not too long ago 300 visitors would have been a good week for me. Will these 300 visits translate into anything for me? Probably not. I don’t have ads or anything else to monetize the blog.
So, how am I actually #winning with @charliesheen?
I got 300 extra visits to my blog.
I’m posting my first self generated content to my blog.
I’ve applied to be Charlie’s intern.
I actually did apply to be Charlie’s intern but since I am twice as old as I’m guessing the average applicant is I’m not too confident of making the first cut.
Why Charlie should pick me:
Experience - I actually have a real job and work experience with industry leading companies.
Social Media - I am the group owner and manager of LinkedIn groups with nearly 60,000 members.
Maturity - I’ve been around enough that if they are looking for someone with opinions and a long term perspective instead of star struck yes men I think I’d be a great addition to his team.
So there you go. That is how I am #winning with @charliesheen
I’ll have posted this right away Monday morning so that Charlie’s peeps will find it if they have some keyword searches set up and we’ll see if I make the first cut.
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